Private Marketing: When Personal Becomes Too Personal.
It’s probably safe to say that today we live in a 60’s adman most desired dream: a world in which we get to know our customers more than at any given point in the history of advertising.
It’s probably safe to say that today we live in a 60’s adman most desired dream: a world in which we get to know our customers more than at any given point in the history of advertising.
Mobile & Video - From rising stars to industry drivers
Oh, the good times… A faint memory, an almost lost thought and a whispered wish, come true for a few evenings that took Bucharest back to a time we remember as La Belle Epoque.
“A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart”, wrote Jonathan Swift. Would it be wise not to have any at all?
It defines us as humans and gives meaning to our lives: the sense of purpose is one of the driving forces behind our evolution as individuals. (…) We are programmed to embark on a neverending search of the next life-changing experience. Or, just as well, the rarest Pokémon out there.
It all started in 2011 and since then, the world has been “emojified” – to the extent that these little guys are now an integral part of our digital language, spoken by more than 3.4 billion people.