CPI is the New Black in Digital Marketing

As technology innovation continues to advance, consumers expect more complex and complete brand experiences, always and everywhere available. Thus mobile, the star of digital, is still growing at a rapid pace, with almost 25% of the world population owning a smartphone by the end of 2014. Naturally, the growth of the smartphone market leads to an even more accelerated increase of the mobile apps ecosystem, that attracts larger and larger investments both in development and marketing.

With mobile ad spending gaining more of the global digital advertising investments, the app marketing costs are on the rise: the average CPI (Cost per Install) now varies globally between $3 – $5, a relatively high cost considering the variables of the amortization process.

However, the cost-per-install pricing model continues to register a widespread adoption, having become the focus of the triumvirate in mobile advertising: Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Performed correctly, CPI campaigns are cost-friendly in the long run, perfectly serving for bringing targeted users into the mobile app: from our experience, a successful campaign registers an average CPI between $1 and $3.

Write to us or give us a call and find out how we make CPI the New Black in Digital Marketing!


We believe connected people have the power to change everything: this is how we begin the stories that we shape through each of our projects.

At present, STRATEGAD is trusted with projects by: ManpowerGroup Romania, BAYER Romania, Philips Romania, BCR Pensii, MedLife, Kandia Dulce, Sedona, Aramis Feeling.